Thursday, August 27, 2009

1st Day of School.....

I can not believe that Aaron started kindergarten this year and Karleigh is in 4th.... Here are a few pictures of the day...

Aaron loves to make silly faces and asked if he could make one more funny face before he started school! How can you say no to this face?

Karleigh, Aaron and Karleigh's friend Valerie

Aaron got his pencil box out, started his morning work, looked at me and said you can go now mommy, I am ready.... I was doing so well until this point and then I shed a few tears. Both happy and sad.... I was so proud of my little man and his confidence and excitement to start school but sad because it really made me realize he is growing up!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Congrats Michael and Kathleen

These girls are just trouble when they are together.... okay so they did not decorate the car themselves but they thought is was soooo funny, they could not wait for Mike and Kathleen to see it!

Rob's brother was married on Saturday..... here are some pictures of the day!!!
our kids and Rob's cousin Melissa's kids
Both sets of parents
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Losee
Cousins and friends... does it get any cuter than them?

Love this picture of Karleigh and Aaron!
Cake...and yes they smashed it!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Sleeping Cuties!

Karleigh is a diva even when she is sleeping!!!

And Aaron, well he is just too cute!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How cool is it that......

My kids are able to celebrate birthdays with Great Grandparents!

Here are some recent pictures from Grandpa (or to them Great Grandpa's) birthday!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Soccer season is over....

Well at least in OYAA land it is, but Karleigh has decided that she really loves soccer and wants to continue and play as much as she can!
And much to my dismay, if you ask her what position she likes, she says with enthusiasm, "GOALIE"!! She is trying to give me a heart attack, I just know it! I think a fellow soccer mom had the right idea when she suggested I sign her up for the goalie class at the indoor soccer facility, where they can train during the off season. She will either love it, or it will make her realize she doesn't like it. But at least if she loves it still, then they will teach her some skills that she can use!
Anyways, here are pictures from her recent end of the season party!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Aaron is 5!!

My little man is 5! I have no idea where the time goes....

Here are some pictures of his birthday party...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Long Time no Blogging!

I have been really bad lately at updating. I did not think it had been since January but apparently it has been...

Here are some pictures from Mother's Day....the kids made me breakfast! (with little help from daddy!)